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I am an applied economist whose research interests lie at the intersection of public economics and gender economics. I am interested in the study of inequality, particularly from a gender perspective, its causes and the role of policy in addressing them.
My research relies on a mix of applied theory and empirical methods to explore policy-relevant issues. I use administrative data to document the extent and explore drivers of gender inequality along the distribution, with a particular focus on the top and on the role of firms. I study the under-representation of women in elite occupations, focusing on politics and academia. To study the sources of inequality in the economics profession, I use text as data and natural language processing tools to uncover sources of bias.
I am Associate Professor of Public Economics at Bocconi University and member of the Dondena Research Center on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, where I coordinate the newly extablished Social Inclusion Lab (SILab).
For the period 2024-2027 I am Visiting Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics, Department of Social Policy.
Since September 2022 I am the Academic Director of the World Bachelor in Business, a triple degree program developed by Bocconi, USC University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and HKUST the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
I am Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Inequality and elected member of the ECINEQ council.
I am Research Fellow at CESifo Munich and member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Ifo Institute, Munich.
I am member of the Editorial Board of the information site www.lavoce.info and Managing Editor since 2020. I am Deputy Editorial edito of the monthly magazine eco
I received a D.Phil in Economics from the University of Oxford and a Laurea (MSc) in Economics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University.
I received funding from the Italian Ministry of University for a PRIN project on "BREAK THE BIAS: new data and methods to investigate the presence and impact of gender stereotypes on economic outcomes", together with researchers at the Department of Economics, University of Bergamo.
I coordinate at Bocconi a large scale project on Social Inclusion within the MUSA -(Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action) project, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, 2022-2025. Have a look at our projects.